Compliments, Comments and Complaints
We welcome feedback on our work from parents, people who work in organisations connected with the school and from members of the local community. Students and parents are surveyed on a regular basis to help us improve our provision for students and our practices.
If you wish to draw our attention to something which has impressed or concerned you, please contact Mrs Smith by email or telephone reception on 01883 624067 in the first instance. We appreciate positive feedback as well as learning about issues of concern.
The Complaints Policy can be accessed on our policies page.
You can also view/download the Surrey County Council document 'Responding to Concerns About Academies in Surrey'
June 2021 - Addendum to Secondary schools’ complaints procedures in relation to appeals regarding Teacher Assessed Grades (TAGs)
Complaints about the award of Teacher Assessed Grades (“TAGs”) as part of the 2021 Summer Exam series are outside the scope of this Policy and will be considered under the separate Summer 2021 Exams Appeal Process (“SEAP”). This is except where matters relate to TAGs but lie outside of the SEAP’s remit and at the express discretion of Warlingham School & Sixth Form College.
- any decision to withdraw an entry due to insufficient evidence on which to determine a TAG, or not to make an entry in the first place
- any failure or delay in offering or following the SEAP
Any continuing concerns following completion of the Warlingham School & Sixth Form College’s complaints process may subsequently be raised through the awarding organisation’s complaints' process.
This is in line with section 6.2 of JCQ_Appeals-Guidance_Summer-2021.pdf