Learning Development Update

The last few months have been busy in The Link and our staff have all been working very hard to support of all our students but particularly those with additional needs. We would like to take a moment to share a few highlights.
Last term, the whole Learning Development Department received two training sessions from YMCA and Surrey Mindworks into ADHD. These sessions were then offered to all teaching staff from the Trust, and we were pleased to see many staff opt to attend these. Following on from this, we have two ADHD Positivity Groups starting in June for identified students.
Some of our students have been working on specific targets in lessons through their link reports and are working towards a wide variety of rewards. The first of these happened at the end of last half term and involved a cooking session with Mrs Hunt, where students had the opportunity to plan for and prepare a dish of their choice. As well as making some delicious food, lots of fun was had by all involved! We are already planning our next reward events later on this term.
Please feel free to contact the SEN Department with any enquiries. In order for us to respond to you as quickly as possible, it is best to copy the following three people into any emails you send:
Bethany Hunt - B.Hunt@WarlinghamTLT.co.uk
Sharon Bolton - S.Bolton@WarlinghamTLT.co.uk
Caroline Pantony - C.Pantony@WarlinghamTLT.co.uk
Bethany Hunt